mc) h® ªî ï TOTAL BACKUP Total Backup copies all disk files and directories to tape. It offers the versatility of later restoring only selected files or directories while providing a complete backup of your disk as insurance against disk failure. To execute a Total Backup, press F2 from the Backup Menu and enter any information as necessary in response to the software prompts. A Total Backup can be scheduled for unattended execution. Refer to the backup system user's guide or the Unattended Backup help text for further information. MODIFIED FILES ONLY BACKUP A Modified Files Only Backup copies all files modified since your last backup to tape. Because unmodified files are not backed up, you must perform a Total Backup before a Modified Files Only Backup to insure that all files on your disk are backed up. To restore all disk data, turn overwrite off and restore all Modified Files Only Backups in reverse chronological order followed by the original Total Backup. A Modified Files Only Backup makes efficient use of time and tape, but it requires more thoughtful management on your part to insure that all your data can be restored. To execute a Modified Files Only Backup, press F3 from the Backup Menu and enter any information as necessary in response to the software prompts. A Modified Files Only Backup can be scheduled for unattended execution. Refer to the backup system user's guide or the Unattended Backup help text for further information. MODIFIED FILES ONLY BACKUP A Modified Files Only Backup is a quick way to backup files modified since the last Total Backup. However, the only files backed up are those which fall in the path of the latest Total Backup. This path can be reset only by performing another Total Backup and entering a new starting path. Make a Total Backup at least once a week to avoid the necessity of restoring a large number of tape volumes to recover your data. To execute a Modified Files Only Backup, press F3 from the Backup Menu and enter any information as necessary in response to the soft- ware prompts. SELECTIVE BACKUP Selective Backup allows you to select specific files to be backed up. Uses of Selective Backup include making copies of files to give to someone or to back up files of a specific category (i.e. all spreadsheet files). To execute a Selective Backup, press F1 from the Backup Menu and enter any information as necessary in response to the software prompts. SELECTIVE BACKUP DIRECTORY SCREEN The Selective Backup Directory Screen allows you to tag the files and directories you want to back up. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to scroll through the files and directories. The current path is shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. Under the column heading TYPE on the Selective Backup directory screen each file or directory is identified by one of the following codes:
is a directory; MOD indicates a file has been modified since the last backup; H is a hidden file; and R is a read-only file. A file without an accompanying entry has no attribute set. FUNCTION KEYS F1:BACKUP backs up all tagged files and directories. F3:(down) DIR Position a directory in the selection window and press F3 to see its files and subdirectories. F4:(up) DIR lists the files and directories one level above the current level. F5:TAG selects any combination of files, directories, and subdirec- tories to be backed up in one volume. On the Selective Backup Direc- tory Screen, position the file or subdirectory to be backed up in the selection window using the up- or down-arrow keys. Press F5 to select (tag) it for backup. When you tag a directory, all files and subdirectories under the selected directory are also tagged and will be included in this volume. To exclude files or subdirectories in a tagged directory, position the file or subdirectory in the selection window and press F5:TAG. The tag is removed and the item is not included in the backup. F6:TAG+ displays the Tagging Options Menu. Press F1 to tag all files at and below the current directory level. Press F2 to select Advan- ced Tagging Features and display the Tag Parameters screen. Tagged files and directories have arrows appearing on both ends of the file line. Shorter arrows on both sides of a directory indicate that not all files and subdirectories below that directory are tagged. A Selective Backup can be scheduled for unattended execution. Refer to the backup system User's Guide or the Unattended Backup help text for more information. SELECTIVE BACKUP DIRECTORY SCREEN The Selective Backup Directory Screen allows you to tag the files and directories you want to back up. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to scroll through the files and directories. The current path is shown in the upper-left corner of the screen. The second column on the Selective Backup screen displays UNIX sym- bols that define whether the owner, the group, or others have per- mission to access specific files and directories. The first field is a single character indicating if the entry is a directory, a file, or special file. Following the initial character are three fields each with three characters for read, write, and execute per- missions. The three characters in each field determine who can ac- cess certain files and directories. The first field determines user permission, the second defines group permission, and the third is for all others. FUNCTION KEYS F1:BACKUP backs up all tagged files and directories. F3:(down) DIR Position a directory in the selection window and press F3 to see its files and subdirectories. F4:(up) DIR lists the files and directories one level above the current level. F5:TAG selects any combination of files, directories, and subdirec- tories to be backed up in one volume. On the Selective Backup Direc- tory Screen, position the file or subdirectory to be backed up in the selection window using the up- or down-arrow keys. Press F5 to select (tag) it for backup. When you tag a directory, all files and subdirectories under the selected directory are also tagged and will be included in this volume. To exclude files or subdirectories in a tagged directory, position the file or subdirectory in the selection window and press F5:TAG. The tag is removed and the item is not included in the backup. F6:TAG+ displays the Tagging Options Menu. Press F1 to tag all files at and below the current directory level. Press F2 to select Advan- ced Tagging Features and display the Tag Parameters screen. Tagged files and directories have arrows appearing on both ends of the file line. Shorter arrows on both sides of a directory indicate that not all files and subdirectories below that directory are tagged. TAG + - TAGGING OPTIONS MENU Press F1:TAG ALL to select all files and directories at and below the current level for backup. This is equivalent to moving to the previous directory level and selecting the parent directory. F1:TAG ALL is also useful when only a few files are to be excluded from the backup. Press F5:TAG to untag any tagged file or directory positioned in the selection window. Untagged items are not included in the backup. F2:ADVANCED TAGGING FEATURES displays the Tag Parameters screen which has six tagging parameters you can set to create a precise tag file. These parameters can be set in combination to identify files to be included or excluded in a backup volume based on the use of wild-card characters, the date the file was created, and if the file has been modified since the last backup. ADVANCED TAGGING FEATURES Advanced tagging allows you to tag files based on several para- meters. Only files that meet all criteria are tagged. Choose the files you want to tag by entering the appropriate information on the Tag Parameters Screen. TAG PARAMETERS SCREEN FUNCTION KEYS F1:TAG - Enter the desired file selection parameters and press F1 to tag all matching files. F2:SAVE PARAMETERS - Saves the file selection parameters currently entered on the screen. F3:RESTORE PARAMETERS - Restores the file selection parameters last saved with F2. FILES TO TAG - A file or group of files with common features can be specified by using the ? and * wildcard characters. For example, the files LETTER.TXT and SAMPLE.TXT are both tagged by entering "*.TXT" TAG FILES IN SUBDIRECTORIES - Enter Y to tag all files at and below the current directory level. The current path is shown in the upper left corner of the screen. Enter N to tag files only at the current level. TAG ONLY MODIFIED FILES - Enter Y to tag only those files selected by the entries in the previous fields that have been modified since the last backup. Enter N to tag all files. TAG FILES ON AND AFTER DATE - Only files written on or after the date entered in this field are tagged. TAG FILES ON AND BEFORE DATE - Only files written on or before the date entered in this field are tagged. INCLUDE/EXCLUDE TAGGED FILES (I/E) - Enter "I" to include in the backup files that meet all of the previous parameters. Enter "E" to exclude all files that meet the previous parameters. The tag arrow is removed from all excluded files. VOLUME TITLE/DATA COMPRESSION/PASSWORD VOLUME TITLE - Enter up to 44 characters to help you remember the contents of each tape volume. If you do not want to place a volume title on the backup, simply press Enter to proceed to the next field on the screen. DATA COMPRESSION - To compress the current backup on tape, press Y. This option's default comes from the Setup file and can be changed on the Software Setups screen. Press Enter to move to the next field on the screen. PASSWORD - You can enter an optional password of up to eight (8) characters to protect the information you are backing up from unauthorized access. If you enter a password, you must provide that same password to access the contents of the protected volume. To enter a password, press Y and then F1 to proceed. PASSWORD PASSWORD - Type your password and press Enter. Then re-enter the password and press Enter. If both password entries are not ident- ical, an error results and you are prompted to enter the password again. RESTORE TO DISK Restore To Disk allows you to recover data from a tape. During a Restore operation, files are taken from the tape and restored to the selected disk individually. If you want files on the tape to over- write files of the same name on the disk, the Overwrite option must be enabled. See the Setups help text for an explanation. To restore an entire tape volume, press F2 from the Main Menu, position a tape volume in the selection window and press F1:RESTORE. Enter any information as necessary in response to the software prompts. To restore only selected files and/or directories, press F2 from the Main Menu, position a tape volume in the selection window and press F3:VOLUME DIRECTORY. A scrolling directory screen displays the con- tents of the selected tape volume. DIRECTORY SCREEN FUNCTION KEYS F1:RESTORE restores all tagged files and directories. F3:(down) DIR Position a directory in the selection window and press F3 to see its files and subdirectories. F4:(up) DIR lists the files and directories one level above the current level. F5:TAG selects any combination of files, directories, and subdirec- tories to be restored. Position the file or subdirectory to be restored in the selection window using the up- or down-arrow keys. Press F5 to select (tag) it. When you tag a directory, all files and subdirectories under the selected directory are also tagged and will be restored. To exclude files or subdirectories in a tagged direc- tory, position the file or subdirectory in the selection window and press F5:TAG. The tag is removed and the item will not be restored. F6:TAG+ displays the Tagging Options Menu. Press F1 to tag all files at and below the current directory level. Press F2 to select Advan- ced Tagging Features and display the Tag Parameters screen. Tagged files and directories have arrows appearing on both ends of the file line. Shorter arrows on both sides of a directory indicate that not all files and subdirectories below that directory are tagged. When restoring a tape volume, make sure there is enough free disk space to accommodate the restored files. If there is not enough free disk space, the backup system restores as much data as it can from the tape, and then notifies you that there is insufficient disk space available. The restore operation stops at that point. To restore the rest of the tape volume, you must first delete enough unwanted files from your disk to free the necessary space. Then, start the restore operation as usual. To aid you in determining how much data is being restored to your disk, a running total of selected files and bytes is provided. PASSWORD If the selected tape volume is password protected, the display prompts you to enter the password. Type the correct password and press Enter. UTILITIES The Utilities Menu provides access to useful auxiliary tape oper- ations. These operations are explained below: TAPE STATUS The Tape Status feature displays general information on the tape currently in the drive. It reports the number of bytes in use on the tape so that you can tell if another backup volume of a specific size will fit. The number of backup volumes currently on the tape and the format type and date are also displayed. RETENSION TAPE This option applies even tension to the entire tape. New tapes, tapes that have been in storage, or tapes that have been transported should be retensioned before use. Load the tape to be retensioned in the tape drive and press F1 to begin the operation. When completed, press F10 to return to the Utilities Menu, or load another tape and press F1 to retension it. FORMAT TAPE New tapes or tapes formatted for use with non-QIC-40 backup systems must be formatted before use. Formatting initializes the tape to a known state, partitions it into sectors, and maps all unusable sectors on the tape. The format process typically takes 72 minutes on a PC or XT class computer and 36 minutes on an AT class com- puter. Formatting 60MB tapes takes 50% longer. Formatting also erases all data on a tape. Formatting can be scheduled for unattended execution. Refer to the backup system user's guide or the Unattended Backup help text for further information. FORMAT TAPE New tapes or tapes formatted for use with non-QIC-40 backup systems must be formatted before use. Formatting initializes the tape to a known state, partitions it into sectors, and maps all unusable sectors on the tape. The format process typically takes 36 minutes. Formatting 60MB tapes takes 50% longer. Formatting also erases all data on a tape. FORMAT TAPE New tapes or tapes formatted for use with other backup systems must be formatted before use. The format process takes less than 30 seconds. Formatting erases all data on the tape and writes new tape header information which allows the backup software to recognize the tape. QUICK ERASE The Quick Erase feature erases only the tape directory. The process typically takes less than one minute to complete. Be certain the tape you want to erase is in the tape drive before proceeding. SECURITY ERASE The Security Erase feature erases all data from the tape to eliminate the possibility of recovering any of the information. It does not erase the format information. Be certain the tape you want to erase is in the tape drive before proceeding. COMPARE FILES - TAPE TO DISK This feature allows you to compare files on a tape to files on your disk. This operation is much like the Restore feature in appearance, allowing you to look at the tape directory and choose a specific tape volume from which to compare files. You can also look at a volume directory to select specific files or directories that you would like to compare to those on your disk. All files that have been modified or deleted from the disk are reported. Select the files and directories to compare and press F1 to begin the comparison. The Operation Status Screen displays the results as the compare operation executes. When the process is completed, a summary of the comparison is displayed. SOFTWARE SETUPS This option allows you to change backup system default software parameters to suit your needs. Refer to the Setups selection from the Help Menu for more information. HARDWARE SETUPS This option allows you to change backup system default hardware parameters to suit your needs. Refer to the Setups selection from the Help Menu for more information. VIEW SCHEDULED OPERATIONS Only appears if you have installed the Unattended Backup software as explained in Chapter 1 in the backup system user's guide or in the Unattended Backup help text. Press the function key labeled VIEW SCHEDULED OPERATIONS to display the Unattended Backup Schedule screen. This screen allows you to examine and schedule unattended tape operations. Refer to the backup system user's guide or the Unattended Backup help text for more information. SETUPS AUTO TAPE/DISK DATA COMPARISON AFTER BACKUP Select "Y" to have the backup system automatically make a second pass over each backup to verify that all files written on the tape are identical to those on the disk. OVERWRITE EXISTING FILES DURING RESTORE Select "Y" to allow a restore operation to overwrite any file of the same name on the destination disk. Select "N" to insure against accidentally overwriting files on your disk from a tape volume with duplicate file names. However, if you are trying to restore a good copy of a file to replace a file that is corrupted on the disk, then you must either restore that file to a different name, delete the corrupted file from the disk, or enter "Y" for this option. READ ONLY MODE ON BACKUPS Select "N" to clear the archive bit that indicates that a file has been modified since the last backup. This allows you to back up only those files modified since the last backup operation. All files modified since the last backup are indicated by MOD appearing in the TYPE column on the Selective Backup directory screen. Select "Y" to have the backup system perform backups without writing to the disk to clear the archive bit. This can be a very useful feature on a network system where backups are likely to be made from workstations that are restricted from writing to the disk. CONCURRENT DISK/TAPE OPERATION Select "Y" to allow the backup system to use more than one DMA chan- nel at a time, and thus operate at maximum speed. If you experience "excessive retry" errors during tape operations, your computer may not support concurrent DMA operation. Select "N" for this setup option to eliminate the errors. DMA CHANNEL Enter the Direct Memory Access (DMA) channel to be used by the tape drive. Select a DMA channel that does not conflict with your comput- er's configuration. The factory default is channel 1, which is unused in stand-alone systems, but is used in network operation. Channel 2 is reserved for diskette operation. If you select channel 2, diskettes may not be backed up in concurrent DMA mode. Channel 3 is reserved for hard disk control and should not be selected for use by the tape drive. Enter the desired DMA channel number. If you select DMA channel 2 or 3, you must reset the DMA channel jumpers on the tape controller card accordingly. Refer to the Hardware Installation Guide for details. INTERRUPT The tape controller card must use an interrupt from 2 to 7 in order to operate properly. The factory default interrupt varies and need not be changed if your tape backup system operates properly. If the tape controller card and another device in your computer use the same interrupt simultaneously, the tape backup system will behave unpredictably. You must select a different interrupt for the tape controller card to use. Refer to your computer's technical reference manual or the manuals accompanying any peripheral devices for infor- mation on interrupt usage. You may enter any interrupt from 2 to 7 that is not in use. You must also set the interrupt jumper on the tape controller card to corre- spond to the value entered on this screen. Refer to the Hardware Installation Guide for details. I/O ADDRESS The factory default starting I/O address is hex 300. Refer to the Hardware Installation Guide or other technical documentation in- cluded with your tape backup system for other valid starting I/O addresses. If you change the I/O address, you must set the I/O ad- dress jumpers or DIP switch on the tape controller card accordingly. TAPE ADAPTER BOARD INSTALLED If your installation uses a Tape Adapter Board, and you have not reset its address jumper, enter "Y" for this setup option. If you set the Tape Adapter Board to use the Primary Address, enter "N" for this setup option. A Tape Adapter Board is necessary when you have two or more diskette drives in your computer or you are using an external tape drive. Technical Note: Addresses used by this system are as follows: Primary Address - 3F0 hex Secondary Address - 370 hex (Factory setting) Note: No Tape Adapter Board is available for PS/2 machines. SORT TYPE Press the left- or right-arrow key to cycle through the available sort types. The files within a directory may be sorted by name, extension or date. The selected sort type is used when viewing the files in a directory during any selective operation. No sort may also be chosen. COMPRESS DATA ON BACKUP Enter "Y" to select data compression on backup as the default. File data are compressed as they are read from the disk and are stored on the tape in compressed form. Data compression can yield up to a 100% increase in effective tape capacity. It is important to note that data compression may triple backup time on an AT type computer. Compressed files are automatically detected and their data decom- pressed during restore or compare operations. Enter "N" to select a default of non-compression on backup. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION The backup system software may be installed on any DOS-recognizable hard disk. The installation procedure is menu-driven and self- explanatory. The installation process takes approximately three minutes. During installation, you will be asked the drive and directory in which to install the backup software, and about aspects of your hardware configuration (e.g., whether you have a color monitor, etc.). You will also be prompted to install the Unattended Backup software. The backup system software will then be installed on your hard disk. The file names are listed on your screen as they are copied. The final installation question prompts you to enter the drive letter from which your system boots. The message "CHECKING CONFIG.SYS FILE" is then briefly displayed. This indicates that the software is checking the number of available buffers. If less than 17 buffers are available, the installation software sets the number of buffers to 17 in the CONFIG.SYS file. Insuring that at least 17 buffers are available improves the backup system's performance. Your original CONFIG.SYS file is saved in a file called CONFIG.Bxx where xx is a number between 00 and 99. If you chose to install the Unattended Backup software, the Installation program inserts a command sequence beginning on the first line of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The message "CHECKING AUTOEXEC.BAT FILE" follows. When AUTOEXEC.BAT is modified, a copy of the original file is stored as AUTOEXEC.Bxx, where xx is a number between 00 and 99. Refer to the Software Installation section in the backup system user's guide for further information on Unattended Backup. If your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files were modified, the software instructs you to reboot your computer before using the backup system so that the new CONFIG.SYS file can increase the number of DOS buffers to 17 or the new AUTOEXEC.BAT file can load the memory-resident Unattended Backup software. If conflicts between the Unattended Backup software and other memory-resident programs arise, refer to the Software Installation section in the backup system user's guide for further information. After installing the software, you may want to review or change the system default settings. These options are explained under Setups on the Help Menu, accessible from the Main Menu of the tape software. UNATTENDED BACKUP MODE BASIC OPERATION NOTE: The Unattended Backup software must be installed as explained in the backup system user's guide to use any of the Unattended Backup features. Unattended Backup mode allows you to perform tape operations when your computer is not in use. Routine and/or time-consuming operations such as daily backups or formatting a tape can be done at your convenience. If you arrived at the Unattended Backup Schedule screen from the Backup Menu or from the Format Tape option, the Type and Drive fields already contain the information you entered for that tape operation. If not, type the first letter of the desired operation in the TYPE field. The available operations are listed at the bottom of the screen. Then type the drive letter in the DRIVE field. The cursor is then in the TIME field, as indicated by the default time being displayed in bold print. Press Enter to accept the default time or type the time of your choice and press Enter. Use a 12-hour format and indicate am or pm. An invalid time will not be accepted. The DATE field allows you to schedule the tape operation for one or more days of the week. Notice the Days of the Week window that appears on the lower portion of the screen. Use the right- and left-arrow keys to highlight the desired day and press F1 to enter that day on the schedule. To remove a day from the selected list, highlight that day in the Days of the Week window and press F1. You can schedule a tape operation for one or more days of the week. Press Enter to complete the entry. To schedule a tape operation for a specific date, press Enter while the cursor is in a blank DAYS OF THE WEEK field or press the right-arrow key to move the cursor to the DATE field. The message "Set Date N" appears in the lower left portion of the screen. Press "Y" to set a date and erase any days selected, or press Enter to keep the cursor in the DAYS OF THE WEEK field. Press Enter to accept the current date or type the date you want the operation to occur following a month, day, year (mm/dd/yyyy) format and press Enter. To exit the Schedule screen, press F10 after you have completed your entry. The software prompts you to save the displayed schedule. Press Enter to save the schedule or press "N" to exit without saving the schedule. To delete an unwanted schedule line, move the cursor to that line and press F2. The actual deletion of the line (and its associated tag list for a Selective operation) occurs only when the new schedule is saved. The scheduled operation(s) will execute only if your computer is not in use and a DOS prompt is displayed on the screen. If you are working with a program when an unattended tape operation is scheduled to begin, the Unattended Backup program beeps four times. It continues to beep every ten minutes until you exit the program. At the DOS prompt the Unattended Backup program beeps four times when a scheduled operation is ready to begin. If no keyboard activity is detected for 30 seconds following the four beeps, the scheduled operation is executed. To clear a waiting unattended tape operation and discontinue the signal beeps, press the hot key (alt-d). TAPE ADAPTER BOARD The Tape Adapter Board is an accessory board for use with your tape drive if you have one of the following configurations: 1) External tape drive; 2) Internal tape drive and two or more diskette drives. Note: No Tape Adapter Board is available for PS/2 machines. TAPE CRT The purpose of this utility is to provide an interactive tool to help you place the tape drive where electrical interference is minimized. Some monitors generate electrical interference which causes errors during the operation of the backup system. By changing the location of the tape drive, this problem can be minimized or eliminated. To run this test, insert a tape in the tape drive and type TAPE CRT at the DOS prompt. If electrical interference is affecting the tape drive, the message "ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE" is displayed and a tone sounds. Change the location of the tape drive or computer monitor until the tone and message disappear. BACKUP PATH Enter a path designating the part of your file system directory to be loaded into memory. Your home directory automatically appears on the editing line and can be changed if you wish to backup files starting from another directory. A Total Backup includes all files in the path you enter. A Selective Backup can include only files from the path you enter. [End of Text] ERROR LOGGING The menu software automatically logs errors encountered during any tape operation. Some errors are fatal (e.g., no tape in the drive). Other errors are non-fatal (e.g., inability to overwrite a write protected file on restore). Both types of errors are logged and can be viewed by pressing F1 at the conclusion of the operation. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to scroll through the log file. Errors are always logged to the same file: ERROR.LOG This file remains on your hard disk; however, all subsequent tape operations overwrite this file. MULTI-VOLUME BACKUP Select "Y" to allow a tape to contain more than one backup volume. The backup system adds each succeeding volume at the end of the previous volume up to the capacity of the tape. Enter "N" to have the backup system erase the tape directory before beginning each backup. The tape will then contain only one backup volume. RESTORE OWNER AND GROUP ID Select "Y" to restore the owner and group identification as it appears on the backup volume. Enter "N" to assign the owner and group identification to the user restoring the data. You are also prompted to enter a tape name of up to 11 characters. The tape name is displayed on the Tape Status and Operation Status screens. If you do not enter a tape name, a default tape name based on the current time and date is written on the tape. Our jumperless controller cards are designed to ease installation of the tape backup system. Before using your tape backup system, the tape controller card must be configured. For this purpose we offer you the choice of AUTO CONFIGURE or MANUAL CONFIGURE. AUTO CONFIGURE - Press F1 to select AUTO CONFIGURE. In this mode the software interrogates your system to find the tape controller card and to select the I/O address, and DMA and IRQ channels. If any of the automatically selected parameters are used by another device, your computer may lock up. Should this happen, cycle power on your computer and configure the tape controller card using MANUAL CONFIGURE. MANUAL CONFIGURE - Press F2 to select MANUAL CONFIGURE. In this mode the software prompts you to configure your tape controller card. Have the manuals for your computer and any peripheral devices handy to help you select available I/O addresses, and DMA and IRQ channels. Use this mode if you have difficulties with AUTO CONFIGURE. The software was unable to locate a tape controller board. Please re-install the board and repeat the installation procedure. If this does not correct the problem, refer to your installation manual. HARDWARE SETUPS This screen displays the configuration parameters in use by your tape controller board. If you want to change any of this infor- mation, exit the tape software and type "CONFIG" at the DOS prompt. The setup categories are defined below: DMA CHANNEL: The tape controller board must use a Direct Memory Access (DMA) Channel to communicate with your computer and to transfer data to and from the tape drive. If possible, select a DMA channel for the tape drive that no other device is using. The DMA channel you use depends in part on the processor in your computer. If you have an 8086 or 8088-based computer, DMA channel 3 is reserved for hard disk use and may not be selected for use by the tape drive. In 80286 and 80386-based computers, DMA channel 3 is open and may be used for the tape drive. In all of these types of computers DMA channel 2 is used by the diskette drive(s). You may select DMA channel 2 for use by the tape drive without adversely affecting performance except when backing up diskettes. In this case, the tape software automatically switches to non-concurrent DMA mode which prevents corruption of the data but does slow the communication process somewhat. DMA channel 1 is used by some network systems. If you are using a network, check with your network administrator for more information. DMA CHANNEL FOR COMPRESSION: In addition to the main DMA channel, the compression section of the Jumperless Tape Controller With Data Compression must also use a DMA channel between 1 and 7 for communication. You may not share a single DMA channel for both setups. DMA channels 4 through 7 are available only on 80286 and 80386-based computers. The use of these DMA channels is undefined in most computers, which means that any of the four should work. Check your computer and peripheral device manuals for information on use of these DMA channels. If your computer is 8086 or 8088-based, you must choose another DMA channel for compression. You may use only DMA channels 1 and 2. Do not use DMA channel 3 in these types of computers! If your computer does not have two free DMA channels, you must select "OFF" when configuring the DMA Channel for Compression. Be aware that doing so disables hardware data compression and further degrades the performance of your tape controller. You can use software data compression as explained in the Software Installation and Operation Guide. INTERRUPT: The tape controller must use an Interrupt between 2 and 7. The interrupt selected for the tape drive must not be used by any other device in your computer. If an interrupt conflict does occur, the tape drive will not function. The manuals accompanying your computer and any peripheral devices should provide interrupt usage information. I/O START ADDRESS IN HEXADECIMAL: This setup indicates the starting I/O address which the tape controller uses to communicate with your computer. The I/O address selected for the tape drive must not be used by any other device in your computer. If an I/O address conflict does occur, the tape drive will not function. The manuals accompanying your computer and any peripheral devices should provide I/O address usage information. NOTE: I/O Start Address 370 is not valid for use with tape controller boards with hardware data compression. TAPE CONTROLLER BOARD MENU Identify the type of tape controller board you have installed in your computer. The name is printed on each board, but there are also obvious physical differences between them. The 1 Mb/s - 500 Kb/s Jumperless Tape Controller With Hardware Data Compression is nearly a full-length board (about 12 inches long). It has two large square chips mounted on it. Press F1 if you have installed this board in your computer. The 1 Mb/s - 500 Kb/s Jumperless Tape Controller is a half-length board (about 6 inches long). It has a large square chip mounted on it. Press F2 if you have installed this board in your computer. The Tape Adapter Board is a half-length board (about 6 inches long). No large square chips are mounted on this board. It has only rectangular chips mounted on it. Press F3 if you have installed this board in your computer. The QIC-02 Jumperless Tape Controller With Compression is a full- length board (13 inches long). Press F1 if you have installed this board in your computer. The QIC-02 Host Adapter is a half-length board (4 inches long). This board has a number of jumper blocks and a DIP switch block mounted on it. Press F2 if you have installed this board in your computer. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION This screen allows you to select the configuration parameters for your tape controller board. The default values shown on the screen are recommended as a starting point for Manual Configuration and should be tried unless you know of a specific conflict in usage. To select the desired value, use the up- and down-arrow keys to highlight the parameter you want to change. A window showing the valid options is displayed in the lower right portion of the screen. Use the left- and right-arrow keys to highlight the desired value. Move on to the next parameter if desired. When you have selected the desired values, press F1 to install the tape controller board configuration displayed on the screen. Before changing any of the configuration information, check the manuals accompanying your computer and any peripheral devices for information on DMA, Interrupt, and I/O Channel use. The parameters you select for the tape controller board should not be used by any other devices. Read the following discussion for more complete information. The setup categories are defined below: CONFIGURATION UNSUCCESSFUL! INSTALLATION UNSUCCESSFUL! POTENTIAL CONFLICT This screen appears if there are potential conflicts between the chosen tape controller installation parameters and your operating system configuration files. Potential conflicts are not necessarily fatal. Conflicts reported on this screen may be caused by devices that are seldom or never used. You must check the operating system configuration files (/etc/conf/cf.d/mdevice and sdevice for UNIX, /usr/sys/io/master for Xenix) for information on the specific conflicts. If there is a conflict between a chosen tape controller installation parameter and a device you use often, modify the install parameters by entering Y at the prompt. If after examining the system configuration files you decide that there are no actual conflicts, enter N to continue with the installation with the parameters displayed. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION You may install the backup system software on any hard disk. The installation procedure is menu-driven and self-explanatory. The installation process takes only a few minutes. Enter the appropriate information in response to the prompts. If you are unsure how to respond to a prompt, press F9 for Help. After installing the software, you may want to review or change the system default settings. These options are explained under Setups on the Help Menu which you can access from the Main Menu of the tape software by pressing F9. CONFIGURATION MENU HELP To change your hardware configuration press F1. The screens that follow allow you to set all hardware parameters without re-installing the backup system software. If you arrived at this menu by mistake, press F10 to exit. PROGRAM DISK Remove the INSTALL DISK from your diskette drive. Insert the diskette labeled PROGRAM DISK and press F1 to continue installation. Press F10 to return to the Install Menu. INSTALL DISK Remove the PROGRAM DISK from your diskette drive. Insert the diskette labeled INSTALL DISK and press F1 to continue installation. Press F10 to return to the Install Menu. LINKED FILES AND DIRECTORIES Linked files and directories are restored under UNIX but not under DOS. When tagging, the byte count is accurate. Tagging more than one instance of a linked file or directory will not affect the byte count. When the tape operation starts under DOS, only the first occurrence of the linked file or directory will be restored or compared. VIDEO DISPLAY If you have a color monitor, type "Y" and press enter. If you have a monochrome monitor, simply press enter to continue. INSTALLATION DRIVE AND DIRECTORY This screen allows you to select the drive and directory in which to install the backup system software. The default drive letter is C:, the default directory is TAPE. To change either or both of these selections simply type over the defaults. When you have selected a drive and directory for the backup system software, press F1 to continue the installation process. TAPE CONTROLLER INSTALLED If you installed one of the tape controllers listed on this screen in your computer, type "Y" and press enter. You will then be prompted to configure the tape controller. See your Tape Controller Hardware Installation Guide for more information. If you did not install a tape controller in your computer, type "N" and press enter to continue. UNATTENDED BACKUP INSTALLATION Unattended Backup allows you to run tape operations while your computer is not in use. Unattended Backup is made possible by a small, memory-resident program that uses a schedule you set up to start tape operations. If you choose to install Unattended Backup the install program modifies your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. See your Software Installation and Operation Guide for more information on Unattended Backup. To install Unattended Backup, type "Y" and press enter. If you do not want to install Unattended Backup, simply press enter to continue. SPECIAL COMPUTERS If your computer model is displayed on this screen, type "Y" and press enter to continue. These computers require special backup system software configuration. The installation program automatically configures the backup system software accordingly. If your computer model is not displayed on this screen, simply press enter to continue. COLORADO MEMORY SYSTEMS OFFERS: FREE UNLIMITED Customer Support 1-800-432-5858 Please refer to the COMPATIBILITY GUIDE supplied with each drive for easy access to TAPES, KITS, RAILS and compatibility information. To order items conveniently by credit card, call: 1-800-432-5858 EMS SUPPORT If your computer has expanded memory and you have installed a LIM 4.0 EMS driver, you can enable the backup system software to use this memory. The backup system software uses EMS to store directory information that exceeds the capacity of conventional memory. If you have a large number of files, this feature can speed up your backups. If you do not have a LIM 4.0 EMS driver installed or your directory structure fits in conventional memory, enabling this option does not affect the performance of your backup system. To enable LIM 4.0 EMS support, type Y and press enter. To disable LIM 4.0 EMS support, type N and press enter. The floppy controller chip detected in this computer is a brand and model that is known to have difficulty reading data from tapes. It records data correctly but may have trouble retrieving data at a later time. Please contact your customer support representative to resolve this problem. In the USA, call 1-800-432-5858 EINYFMSSTTWHRAddress Conflict at IO Base Address Advanced Tagging Features Invalid DMA or IRQ with tape controller in 8-bit slot. Appends the volume after last volume on tape
Backup started on %s at %s
Backup of Volume %-.11s
Writing Directory on Tape
%s bytes in %s File(s) to back up
Writing File(s) on Tape
Updating Tape Directory
Updating Volume Directory
³ F1:BACKUP ³ F9:HELP ³ F10:MENU ³ Backup Restore Erase Verify Format Search Compare Setup Retension ENTER DRIVE TO BACK UP (EXAMPLE - C:) BYTE COUNT TOTAL NOT INCREMENTED FOR LINKED FILE(S) Linked files do not affect byte count. Map bad sectors only -- Skip format pass
Current setup parameters:
Backup only modified files Multi-volume backup Compress file data Restore user and group ID Overwrite on restore Read only mode on backups Print file names Automatic compare after backup Use subdirectories Concurrent DMA mode High speed data compression Waiting for Drive Installation disk is not in drive A. Closing tape drive... Conflict at Compression DMA Channel ENTER DRIVE TO COMPARE (EXAMPLE - C:) Hardware Configuration CONFIGURE Configuring hardware: CONFIGURATION MENU successful Configuration successful Conflict WARNING: ALL DATA ON THIS TAPE WILL BE DELETED. Do you wish to continue? COPYING FILE: DRIVE LOCATION OK ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE Sound is ENABLED Sound is DISABLED Support Information Automatic second pass comparison
Fri Mon Sat Sun Thu Tue Wed No files tagged. Unable to tag/untag item - tag list full Directory link failed FILES TAGGED: BYTES TAGGED: DMA Conflict at DMA Channel OFF This volume may require multiple tapes.
Automatic compare after backup disabled.
Please insert a formatted, empty tape, or one you wish to erase.
This tape appears to be unformatted.
Do you wish to format this tape? Cannot overwrite previous tape.
This tape is not erased. Do you wish to erase this tape? Attempt to write on a QIC-40 formatted tape with a QIC-80 drive
Do you wish to format this tape?
Please insert next tape in chain.
Sorry, wrong tape. Do you wish to try another tape? File not found Unreadable File Access denied - No data Share violation Operating system error (%d) File size error Path not found Too many open files Access denied Invalid access code File exists (not restored) Is different File creation error Process terminating...
:MM-DD-[YY]YY "mm-dd-[yy]yy" Compare only files that have this date or a later date
DO YOU HAVE LIM 4.0 EXPANDED MEMORY AVAILABLE FOR THIS PROGRAM? Saved Compared Accessing Novell network drive.
Unable to save all special network information and rights.
Continue the backup WITHOUT saving the network information? Error %d: Error correction failed, %d file(s) unreadable.
Error %d: Tape drive error (%02x).
Press any key to continue.
Restored Verified Error %d: %s
Adaptec BIOS error detected. Tape drive performance degraded. Concurrent disk/tape operation disabled.
Accessing non-DOS drive.
Drive is already in use by another task. Unusable sector detected. Tape format failure. Tape is not formatted. Mistake in reentering password. Drive communication failure. Automatic compare unsuccessful. Direct file seek failed -- Repositioning tape. Disk not found. Operation cancelled.
Drive communication failure. Disk not ready. Unexpected end of volume. Unexpected end of tape. File not readable. Error in ioctl.
Please insert first tape in chain.
Disk Full. Not a valid path. Volume not found. Invalid password. Tape chaining terminated by user. Unable to create destination directory. Tape controller/software incompatibility. New cartridge inserted. Error restoring some network rights information. Not enough memory to count files/bytes. No tape drive detected. No tape controller detected. Empty directory or no files matching path. No tape cartridge in drive. Volume is a continuation from a previous tape. No data on tape. Tape is erased. Program Error. Insufficient memory. Cannot access file for writing. Error correction failed. Redirection not allowed on this volume. Unable to create backup file. Unable to create temporary file. Seek error. Unable to switch to destination directory. Error while updating tape directory. Tape drive error (%02x). Tape is full. Drive communication failure. Too much electrical interference. Tape is not formatted. Tape is unreadable. Drive is not compatible with this software. Tape format incompatible with drive/software. Too many bad sectors. Error while writing bad sector map - tape may be corrupted. Not enough disk space for the virtual memory file. Fatal expanded memory error. Incompatible or insufficient expanded memory. Unable to open virtual memory file. Tape directory is full. Tape is write protected. Attempt to write on a QIC-40 formatted tape with a QIC-80 drive Error while closing /dev/rjt1.
Error while opening /dev/rjt1.
File exists (not linked) Exit software and run the config program Exit Tape Software MOD